
Thursday, December 9, 2010

MCPS Parents Donate $ 2.6 Million to Public School Education

MCPS parents, give yourselves a round of applause!

Last year you paid approximately $2.6 million in fees for your students to participate in courses in Montgomery County Public Schools. 

And those were just the fees you paid to the College Board for AP (Advanced Placement) Exams (that includes the $230,000+ kick back to MCPS for "administration" of the exams). We aren't counting the illegal course fees or bizarre "magnet application fees" that you are paying. We don't have totals on those numbers. 

What's great about the AP fees is that even if your student can't use the AP credits in college (how many can?) Superintendent Jerry Weast can use the results of the AP exams for internal memos to the Board of Education that compare MCPS to Fairfax County! See the memo and attachment below. 

And that's what education administration is all about, isn't it? 

(Note that Superintendent Weast yanked MCPS financial data from the Washington Area Boards of Education annual report, no time to compare costs!)

December 3, 2010
December 3, 2010 Attachment

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