
Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Peary Sale: Did the County Government follow the law? Read the Regulations and See for Yourself

When the County Council voted 8-1 (all in favor with the exception of Councilmember Phil Andrews [D-District 3]) to sell the publicly-owned 19.5 acres of downcounty property for $1.9 million to a private school, the Berman Academy, was the law followed?  The Board of Education opposes the sale.  The Montgomery County Civic Federation opposes the sale.  The Montgomery County Council of PTAs opposes the sale.

Read the regulations: COMCOR 11B.45.02, Reuse, Leasing, and Sale of Closed Schools, and see for yourself.  If you don't think the law was followed, let the Board of Public Works knowCall 410-260-7335. The Board (Nancy Kopp, Treasurer, Martin O'Malley, Governor, and Peter Franchot, Comptroller) will be voting on the sale soon, on December 15th.  This secret deal was fast-tracked by insiders in your county and state government, and even the federal government.  According to insiders, 'the pressure was unbelievable.'

Reuse, Leasing, And Sale of Closed Schools


  1. Need a good laugh?

    Here is what the Montgomery County website says about the reuse of schools...

    In order to arrive at decisions on the reuse of the schools, the County has adopted a unique and proactive approach to the process. COMCOR Chapter 11B Section 45.02, entitled Reuse, Leasing and Sale of Closed Schools provides the framework by which the best and most appropriate reuse is determined and implemented for these facilities. This is a complex process that can take anywhere from eighteen to twenty-four months to complete.


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