
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Sad News: Peary High School Demolished

Read from Original Post first and then read the Updates that came in as the day progressed. 

UPDATE 12/2/10  Peary High School still stands! 

UPDATE 12/1/10 - 6:00 PM: Peary High School is now back on the Interagency Committee's Agenda for December 2, 2010! The Peary High School matter will be discussed and voted on at approximately 12:20 PM by State Superintendent Nancy Grasmick and the other members of the IAC.

UPDATE 12/1/10 - 1:00 PM: Peary High School has now been withdrawn from the Interagency Committee's Agenda for December 2, 2010. 

---------Original Post Below--------

Unbeknownst to the public, Montgomery County Government applied to the Board of Public Works to sell the Peary High School site over two months ago. Approval by the Board of Public Works of the sale is required by the State of Maryland. 

The first step in the Board of Public Works review of the sale is set for TOMORROW December 2, 2010 before the Interagancy Committee on Public School Construction (IAC). 
(That makes yesterday's County Council vote a real nail bitter! Who knew? What would have happened if the County Council had not approved the sale?) 

The Board of Public Works retains an interest in school land due to the investment of public dollars through school construction bonds in the construction and maintenance of public school buildings. If a school building is to be sold the Board of Public Works can seek reimbursement for the State's contribution to the construction of the school. The evaluation of the State's share of the sale proceeds occurs through the Board of Public Works process starting with a recommendation from the IAC.  

According to the packet for tomorrow's IAC meeting on the Peary High School sale: 
The structures and other improvements on the site have been demolished. The average summary of appraisals for the land was $1,889,000. The cost to demolish the school building was $460,000.
When was the Peary High School building demolished? Where are the students from the private school being educated today? Here is the video that WJLA 7 News took of the school and students earlier this week. It looked like the building was still standing...

The Board of Public Works is slated to discuss the sale of the Peary High School site the first week of January 2011.

SEC v- Montg Co -Prop Tranfers Agenda 12-10-RPeary Hg (2)


  1. from the Berman website. Now we know who in the county government worked on behalf of a private organization at the expense of the citizens of our county. I am sure they were very well paid too.

    The Jewish Community Relations Council has been invaluable in guiding us through this fascinating political process. In addition, Alec Stone has helped tremendously through his strong connections and relationships with the Council members and their staffs.

    The critical help and support we have received from many different quarters has been inspiring. We want to extend our deep appreciation toward Montgomery County Executive Isiah Leggett, who has been instrumental in helping us finalize the agreement as well as toward Diane Schwartz Jones, Assistant Chief Administrative Officer in the County Executive’s office and to Councilmember Trachtenberg for her leadership on the Council. We have benefitted greatly from the professional advice and direction of Steve Rabinowitz and Samantha Friedman from Rabinowitz/Dorf Communications. We are also grateful to the many civic and community organizations that have publicly supported us, including the Aspen Hill Civic Association, the Kemp Mill Civic Association, the Montgomery Square Civic Association of Potomac, the Beth Joshua Congregation, the Yeshiva of Greater Washington, many members of the Peary High School Alumni Association, as well as many other organizations.

  2. Bet those Peary High alums were sad to find out the building had been demolished.

  3. ...the Yeshiva of Greater Washington. Now where have I heard that name before?


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