
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Ad for New MCPS Superintendent - Apply Today!

The ad for the new Superintendent of Montgomery County Public Schools is now running in Education Week. Note the ad says the position is for a new Superintendent to "serve as CEO." 

Actually, what Montgomery County needs is a new Superintendent for the public school system. The "CEO" model of superintendency is what is advocated by certain private organizations. Is that what the citizens of Montgomery County want in a Superintendent, a CEO?  Well, we don't know because the public has not had a chance to weigh in on the desired attributes for the next Superintendent. 

Yes, it is January and the Board of Education said this would be the month for public comment on the search for the next superintendent, but the Board of Education hasn't solicited any public input yet. 


  1. Remember those private meals/meetings that the MCCPTA officers have had with BOE? Maybe they expect special privileges during this process?

  2. Of course they do. The private, confidential meeting arrangement that was set up by MCCPTA President Jane de Winter and MCCPTA President Kay Romero continues.
    The new MCCPTA President is just following in their footsteps.

  3. Ah, but at least in the past they were not "bribed" with food! And, I am talking about outside the budget meetings.

  4. Who cares? The most important meetings are the MCPS budget meetings where the deals are cut. Those are the meetings that the MCCPTA Presidents have willingly attended and kept secret for the last 4 budget cycles.

    Scrambled eggs and toast is chump change compared to participating in the back room budget deals that slash classrooms and programs.

  5. Yeah, well, I guess you might care when MCPS grants extra access to MCCPTA Officers in search meetings.

  6. Who would have thought MCCPTA WASN'T in the behind the closed door meetings to select the next Superintendent? The MCCPTA President is writing the budget. Of course the MCCPTA President gets to be part of the behind the closed door Superintendent selection process!

  7. What evidence is there that the MCCPTA President is writing the budget? Please elaborate.

  8. MCCPTA President is at the secret budget table with the unions and MCPS staff creating the MCPS budget. Superintendent Weast announces this fact all the time when discussing the budget.

  9. Budget Fact Sheet - MCCPTA President at the secret budget table crafting the document:


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