
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Leggett & Floreen: Peary Sale Does Not Result in Revenue to the State

In a December 2, 2010, letter (shown below) from County Executive Ike Leggett and County Council President Nancy Floreen to the Maryland Board of Public Works (O'Malley, Franchot and Kopp), Leggett and Floreen ask for an expedited approval process on the Peary High School sale and state that they believe that the sale will not result in any revenues to the State of Maryland.

We now know that Leggett and Floreen's assertion that the State is not entitled to any proceeds from the Peary High School sale was not correct. Montgomery County will have to share the proceeds of the Peary High School sale with the State of Maryland. The amount of the State's share has not been announced.

Leggett and Floreen Letter Dec 2 2010


  1. the State share was roughly $82,000. Like so much else on your site, Janis, you seem to exaggerate and paint dark conspiracies without any basis whenever it suits your predisposition. I think you owe your readers a bit more thorough investigation before you post inflammatory and incomplete information.

  2. Benham,

    I realize you have the inside track, but the public doesn't. The public was NOT ALLOWED in to the Board of Public Works hearing to speak. The speakers that had signed up to speak were PROHIBITED from entering the hearing room by security.

    According to the Board of Public Works officials contacted by phone after that meeting NO DOLLAR AMOUNT has been agreed on.

    By they way, when were you going to reveal that Montgomery County put a NEW ROOF on the Peary High School building and removed the ASBESTOS for a total expenditure of over $1 million that benefited your private school? Funny how that NEVER came out in any of the discussions on the value of the building.

    And, yes - there is more to be made public. As you request, additional documents obtained from the State of Maryland will be released on this site.

  3. Benham,

    Looking forward to an explanation of this surprise expenditure by Montgomery County taxpayers in a building that had NO VALUE.

    Even the State officials saw a problem with this.
    That e-mail will be released soon.


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