
Monday, January 3, 2011

Leventhal Tells It Like It Is at MCCPTA Budget Forum

Earlier this evening (Monday, January 3, 2011), MCCPTA hosted an operating budget forum at MCPS headquarters. Present were all members of the Board of Education, Superintendent Weast, County Council members Nancy Floreen, Roger Berliner, and George Leventhal, as well as Joseph Beach, from the county budget office. County Councilman George Leventhal (D-At Large)was the only panel member who acknowledged that there just isn't going to be enough money to fund the school system budget that Jerry Weast requested, under any circumstances.

"We are not going to fund his (Weast's) budget request. We don't have the money," Leventhal stated emphatically.

Leventhal went further to state that if Weast's budget request were fully funded, it would represent 62.3% of the total county budget...up from 57% last year, and up from an average of 53% over prior years.

Leventhal stressed that county employees are going to be taking home less in 2012 than they have been in 2011. Whether it is a pay decrease, furloughs, or an increase in health and retirement contributions, "employees are going to take home less in 2012."

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