
Sunday, January 30, 2011

MCPS Enrollment and Operating Budget over 9 years

In 2001, the MCPS enrollment was 136,832.  The FY 2001 Operating Budget was $1,216,096,599.

In 2010, the MCPS enrollment was 144,064. The FY 2010 Operating Budget was $2,078,967,001.

Here's what the changes in the enrollment and Operating Budget look like over the last 9 years when plotted on on a graph.

There are lots of ways these changes could be plotted, this is just one version. If you would like to make up your own version, submit it to us and we will post it.


  1. Deceptive graph. The zero line is about an inch below the bottom. Makes it look like the budget increased by more than 300% when actually it increases by about 70%. Inflation was 21% during those years -- a 2009 dollar is worth .82 2001 dollars, but one student is still one student.

  2. Great! Thanks! Then please submit the graph that you think is better.

    Bottom line is that enrollment has fluctuated over the 9 years with some growth while the Operating Budget has nearly doubled. Show us that in a non-deceptive way! Thanks!

  3. Here, I will help you out. Here are enrollment numbers:

    2001 - 136,832

    2002 - 138,832

    2003 - 138,891

    2004 - 139,203

    2005 - 139,337

    2006 - 137,798

    2007 - 137,745

    2008 - 139,276

    2009- 141,777

    2010- 144,064

  4. And here are budget numbers up to FY 2009:

    FY 2010 was $2,078,967,001

    Looking forward to your chart!

  5. And DE, please plot the Operating Budget growth in relation to the growth in inflation. That will be interesting to see.


  6. I am curious to see a revised graph too. All you'd really need to do is multiply each year's budget number by its percentage of a 2009 dollar (I assume there is no way to know that info for 2010 dollars). Would also like to see a dollar scale on the left!

  7. I have posted a different presentation at - this presents it as dollars per student, inflation-adjusted, with a annual percentage change. This tells a slightly different story for recent years, though it's grim in its own way. A 6% inflation-adjusted increase (2007) is pretty extraordinary.

  8. Gary,

    Your graph doesn't relate the money to the enrollment fluctuations, right? And you aren't using the total per student number, why not?

    Why aren't you using the total per student expenditure?

  9. I displayed constant 2001 dollars, so these figures are discounted for inflation. I also think there are probably methodology differences in how per-pupil expenditure is calculated (I just divided the operating budget by enrollment, but there's a timing mismatch and quite possibly an expenditure mismatch). Close enough for horseshoes and hand grenades.

  10. OK - thanks. Now I am seeing what you were working with.

  11. For reference here are the raw per pupil expenditure numbers from FY 04 - FY10 from the WABE guide:

    FY04 $10,644
    FY05 $12,108
    FY06 $12,549
    FY07 $13,446
    FY08 $14,705
    FY09 $15,252
    FY10 $15,490


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