
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Peary sale was theft

Gazette Letter: Peary sale was theft
Peary school's 19.5 acres of public property in Aspen Hill sold for $1.9 million to a private party? The blatant corruption of this outrageous theft of public property to benefit private parties highlights the extent to which the governing class of Montgomery County has sold itself to special interests. Every council member who voted for this is corrupt, as are the recipients of this stealing of public property. Yes, I know, all done under the color of legality. No one can be prosecuted, but it is theft nonetheless. All should be ashamed.
John Haynes, Kensington

Mr. Haynes might want to check on that "color of legality" thing. He might be interested to read the County Regulation on selling of public school land and see if any of the Regulation was followed in the Peary High School sale. He might also be interested to know how the public was excluded from speaking when this issue went before the Governor on December 15, 2010. The Governor and the Board of Public Works flipped the agenda for that day and didn't allow the public in the room to speak in opposition to the sale. This made for a nice happy-to-sell-Peary-High-School-site video which we will post soon. 

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