
Monday, January 24, 2011

Superintendents' Strategy Session!

Strategic Planning: Putting Your Strategic Plan Into Action During the Fiscal Crisis

January 19, 2011 Registration and Reception, the Westin Times Square, NY, NY
January 20-21, 2011:
"Yet fiscal crisis is actually the most important and, paradoxically, the easiest time to enact strategic plans. As districts must do more with less, they must think in terms of tradeoffs. Making these tradeoffs is an opportunity to implement the strategic plan by prioritizing the set of activities that the district does best to deliver on the ultimate goal of raising student achievement. Indeed, far from being tabled for better times, strategic plans can play a crucial role during financial distress by clarifying the cutbacks to be made and minimizing the impact of them."
January 21, 2011 8:00 AM: "Jerry Weast: Deliberate Excellence, Managing Systemic Change when Budgets are Tough"

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