
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Taxpayers fund dinner and more during Broad Prize trip

Records recently obtained by the Parents' Coalition show that MCPS Chief of Staff Brian Edwards used his MCPS-issued American Express card to pay for a $362.86 dinner at the Azalea Restaurant in New York. In addition, Mr. Edwards spent $323.65 at the Sheraton NY Hotel and Towers.

Mr. Edwards attributed these charges to activities related to the Broad Prize announcement, which took place on October 19, 2010.

Charges by MCPS Chief of Staff Brian Edwards to his MCPS-issued American Express Card

Based on the information in the expense log, it isn't certain exactly how many people were fed with $362.86 of taxpayer money.  But even if Mr. Edwards covered the meals for 10 people, we have to wonder why Mr. Edwards is using his MCPS-issued American Express card to pay for meals other than his own.   

Mr. Edwards did not respond to repeated requests for the names of the people whose dinners were covered by the $362.86 charge.   

In addition, the accounting for the $323.65 Sheraton charge is problematic.  If this charge is for lodging, Mr. Edwards should have listed "lodging" on the expense log, instead of "Broad Prize Announcement Activities."  Exactly what "activities" did Mr. Edwards purchase at the Sheraton for $323.65?


  1. We know Jerry Weast, Doug Prouty (MCEA) and Board of Education President Christopher Barclay were in New York. Now we know that Brian Edwards was in NY for this event.

    So who else went to New York from MCPS and who went to dinner on taxpayers?

  2. Check out the website: sort of an "Il Pizzico home-away-from-home" for fine dining!

  3. Mr. Edwards even has an assistant. The assistant is paid $61,600. Is that assistant more important than a classroom teacher position?

  4. Anonymous@8:17am, yes, if you look at the budget, the Board of Education (Chris Barclay, BOE president) clearly supports the admin staff as being more important than the classroom teachers. Oddly, the teachers themselves support this structure, as they voted for the current MCEA Board (Doug Prouty, MCEA President). As a taxpayer and parent, I am perplexed, but this is what the teachers support.


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