
Saturday, January 8, 2011


Flyer Wheaton Edison PIM

MCPS will hold its one and only informational meeting NEXT TUESDAY, January 11, 2011 from 7--9 p.m. at Wheaton High School, to discuss the fate of Thomas Edison High School of Technology and Wheaton and different "approaches" that "define the relationship" between them.

This is only opportunity to hear about possible "approaches" to combining the schools or keeping them separate. The purpose of the meeting is to gather community feedback, which will be incorporated into the a report given to the superintendent. The deadline for feedback is January 12, 2011.

According to MCPS, the approaches were developed by members of a Roundtable, which has met three times. The Roundtable has been criticized as being powerless and not representing all stakeholders. Parents and schools representatives from the entire county are not included, even though Edison is a county-wide school and its only career vocational school.

Please note that Edison ceases to exist except under approaches 1 & 2 and that many Roundtable members do not recall discussing making Wheaton into a "high-tech high school," yet it is presented as an approach the group "developed."

A "high-tech high school" is what MCPS was planning to do had it received a federal grant and what many Roundtable members believe will ultimately be the superintendent's recommendation.

The Roundtable report will not contain any recommendations; members are not allowed to vote on anything and the process was not designed to reach any consensus. It is simply a way for MCPS to say it sought community input.

Other dates are as follows:
1/18/11--Final roundtable meeting
1/22/11-- Roundtable advisory group report sent to superintendent and Board of Education
2/8/11 -- Superintendent makes recommendation to BOE for action
2/28/11 -- BOE holds work session to discuss superintendent recommendation
3/15/11 -- BOE public hearing
3/28/11 -- BOE action

Submitted by GUEST.

1 comment:

  1. From MCPS: "Unfortunately, due to the inclement weather today, all evening activities are canceled which includes the Committee meeting and Public Information meeting that were scheduled for this evening.

    We are rescheduling both meetings for Thursday, January 20, 2011. The Roundtable Committee Meeting will take place at Edison in Room 2206 from 6:00-7:25 pm. The Public Information Meeting will begin at 7:30 pm in the Wheaton High School Auditorium."


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