
Friday, January 28, 2011

Weast's "Plan B" Protects Administration, Credit Cards, Consultants and No Bid Contracts


  1. Phew, thank goodness the no bid contracts and consultants are protected! What would our students do without them?

  2. $48 million? Oh you mean 240 administrators would have to go?


  3. I don't get it. If enrollment is increasing, how can they even consider cutting 193 classroom teaching positions?

  4. @ 5:50

    This is Superintendent Jerry Weast's standard cut list year after year - even though the MCPS budget has been steadily increasing.

    The idea is to make a cut that is in the face of parents. Parents then get upset. Parents are then to run to County Council and demand more funding for the school system.
    Council will say they don't have the funds. Parents are then to demand that their taxes be raised to pay to increase, even more, the school system's budget.

    If Superintendent Weast cut 240 administrators, which he could do, parents wouldn't care and wouldn't lobby the Council for more money for the school system and wouldn't demand that their taxes be raised.


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