
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

6 in Denver this week! There's always cash for travel!

Anyone want to add up how much it is costing to send 6 to Denver this week? The group included the Superintendent, union officials and the Board of Education President. 

And these are only the presenters. How many other MCPS attendees were there? There always has to be someone to handle coats and briefcases... 

Add in the fact that we lose the time and attention of these employees and this elected official here in Montgomery County.  This is the same Board of Education President who didn't have time for Public Comment at the February 8, 2011, Board of Education meeting.

What was the total cost of this excursion? A webinar couldn't have accomplished the same exchange of ideas and information without flying 6 people to Denver for a hotel stay of unknown length and cost? 

Labor-Management Collaboration Conference 
How can we transform the relationship between labor and management into a strong partnership for improving student learning? On February 15-16, school board presidents, superintendents, and union officials from 150 school districts came to Denver to develop answers.

Presenters, Panelists and District Attendees included: 

Christopher Barclay

President, Montgomery County Board of Education
A member of the school board since 2006, Chris currently serves as president and a member of the fiscal management and the policy committees. Last year, he was appointed by the governor to the Maryland Council for Educator Effectiveness. Chris has served in a number of volunteer leadership roles with the Montgomery County Council of PTAs.

Merle Cuttitta

President, SEIU Local 500, Montgomery County, Md.
Merle began working with Montgomery County Public Schools in 1972 as a paraeducator before leaving after five years to pursue a career in the private sector with a concentration on service industries. She returned to MCPS in 1991 and has served as the local union's president since 2001. She has been a member of SEIU's Executive Board since 2004.

Christopher Lloyd

Vice President, Montgomery County Education Association
Christopher is a National Board Certified teacher at Baker Middle School. In his leadership role with the teachers association, he works on program areas of school climate, on-boarding, and professional growth systems.

Rebecca Newman

President, Montgomery County Association of Administrators and Principals
Rebecca has been president of MCAAP for the past eight years. During that time, she has represented members in contract negotiations, in collaboration with Montgomery County Public Schools, and in building a partnership with both executive staff and other unions in the district. Prior to this position, she has served as a school principal.

Doug Prouty

President, Montgomery County Education Association
Before becoming president of NEA's local union in Montgomery County, Doug served as vice president, coordinator for the Teacher Professional Growth System for Montgomery County Public Schools, and was the English resource teacher at Walter Johnson High School in Bethesda, Md.

Jerry D. Weast, Ed.D.

Superintendent, Montgomery County Public Schools
Since 1999, Jerry has been superintendent of the 16th-largest district in the nation. Under his leadership, the district earned the U.S. Senate/Maryland Productivity Award in 2005 and the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award in 2010, and was a 2010 finalist for the Broad Prize in Urban Education.

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