
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Barclay Board wants another cell tower compound at a Silver Spring school

Just for the record, there are 7 public schools in Silver Spring (Down County Consortium, Blake and Springbrook) that have cell tower compounds on their playgrounds. Please note that cell tower compounds are HAZMAT locations and must be registered with the Montgomery County fire department. 

How many cell phone towers are there at schools in the Whitman Cluster? Churchill Cluster? Wootton Cluster? Richard Montgomery Cluster? Zero*. The Whitman, Wootton and Richard Montgomery Clusters have said "no" to cell tower compounds being installed at public school sites. The Churchill Cluster has never been asked to install a cell tower compound. 

And the Board of Education under President Christopher Barclay wants one more cell tower compound on a Silver Spring - Down County Consortium playground...

Gazette: Residents upset over proposed cell tower at Sligo Middle School site

Neighbors say T-Mobile tower will lower property value

...They said they didn't receive notice of opportunities for public comment until December, years after the application process started.
"I didn't hear anything from T-Mobile, I didn't hear anything from the county, it was a piece of paper from my neighbor that alerted me," said Julia Wisniewski, a resident of nearby Gridley Lane in Silver Spring, referring to a note from a concerned neighbor.
Neighbors said around Christmas, they were given a notice of the special exception hearing...
..."We can't lease out our backyard if we're having financial woes, so why can MCPS do that?" asked Andrea Crenich, 41, of Gridley Lane. "The whole point of zoning laws is to protect property values of the homes in an area. ... Would you buy a home that backs up to a 130-foot cell tower with an 8-foot chain-link fence and chopped down trees?"


* Since the Board of Education has not made public a comprehensive list of school properties with cell towers installed, the Parents' Coalition looks forward to a MCPS Public Relations release listing all of the locations of cell phone tower compounds at all public school properties in the County, along with a list of the co-locations of vendors at each location.

1 comment:

  1. Forget "Red Zone" / "Green Zone";

    We've got "Cell Zone" / "No Zone"

    And we mark the "Red" sites with real live needles, just like the Pin Map over at MCPS.


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