
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ramblin Man

On the road again! Just can't wait to get on the road again! Upcoming travels of our superintendent as he finishes out his contract.

February: AASA FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2011 2:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Four Seasons Ballroom 2-3 Denver COLORADO THOUGHT LEADER SESSION: Jerry Weast

Deliberate Excellence
How does a school system move through the sequential process of organizational maturity to achieve a culture of high expectations for all students? This interactive presentation illuminates five stages of change and the guideposts that help you know where your district is on the journey to self-sustaining innovation.

March: The Cloud Has A Silver Lining: How ICT Can Rescue Education, Wednesday, March 16 COSN: Mastering the Moment
Grand Ballroom D, Hilton New Orleans Riverside Hotel 3:30pm
Hear the vision from “the most innovative educator in Australia”. Learn how education leaders must stay focused on the pedagogy, not the technology. Followed by a reaction panel of distinguished US superintendents (including Jerry D. Weast).

APRIL: NSBA Annual Conference: SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA! Sunday, 04/10/2011 1:30PM - 2:45PM JERRY WEAST
Description How does a leader help a district evolve into a thriving organization that can identify the problems to be solved, sequence the solutions, and manage change over time? Montgomery County (MD) Public Schools’ (enr. 144,000) journey provides useful lessons on the staging of change. The resulting student success is the reward for integrating a system-wide culture of high expectations and continuous improvement. This presentation will offer helpful guideposts and ideas to lead your school system from good to better to great!

MAY: Middle States 2011 Leadership Symposium The Delaware Valley Minority Student Achievement Consortium and the Middle States Regional Office of the College Board, are co-sponsoring a free, one-day, Leadership Symposium on "Change Initiatives – Promoting More Equitable Outcomes for All Students"
MAY 12, 20119:00 a.m. — 2:00 p.m.
Hilton Philadelphia City Avenue Hotel Philadelphia, PAThe symposium, which is open to superintendents, assistant superintendents and their leadership teams, will feature Dr. Jerry Weast, Superintendent, Montgomery County Public Schools, Rockville, MD, as our Keynote Speaker.

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