
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

40 acres of public school land gone in 6 months!

Brickyard Middle School site turned over to County Executive Ike Leggett

Let's keep our kids in classroom trailers and overcrowded school buildings for as long as possible! 

The Board of Education just voted to turn 20 acres of public school land over to the County Executive Ike Leggett for an unspecified use as no final document was before them today.  That's 20 more acres of public school land gone on top of the 20 that went to the County Executive's proposal in January at the Peary High School site. 

The Board didn't even have before them the final Lease that will be executed between the Board of Education and Montgomery County. The Board has no clue what's going to happen to this land. The vote today was to allow the Board President and Superintendent Weast to sign off on an unseen document. 

And here's a little bonus information. IF the Board of Education ever tries to get this property back for a public school, Superintendent Jerry Weast informed the Board that the taxpayers will have to reimburse the renter for any improvements to the property.

To get this property back for a public school, is going to cost us! 

Board members voting in favor of this fast-tracked turn over of this 20 acre middle school site:

Shirley Brandman
Christopher Barclay
Judy Docca
Mike Durso
Patricia O'Neill
Alan Xie (student member of the Board)

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