
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Advocacy for School Media Specialists (Librarians) on the Web

Citizens in Montgomery County have taken their advocacy for public school Media Specialists (Librarians) to the web with their very own web page. Here is the main page of that site. Click on the title below to see the rest of their online advocacy. 

Montgomery County Public School students deserve fully staffed media centers
In an era of drastic budget cuts, schools are often prompted to "go back to basics."  In the 21st century, media literacy, multimedia instruction, appreciation for reading, and computer instruction are all fundamental to student success.  In Montgomery County Public Schools, these skills are taught by certified Media Specialists
Montgomery County Public Schools is breaking the trust with students, parents, and the community who entrusts children to its care each day.  These 21st century skills are the foundation for an educated, skilled, and informed community. 

Principals in the following elementary schools have elected to reduce the Media Specialists who teach their students to part time.  Students in Montgomery County face the very real likelihood that their access to quality materials and instruction may be severely curtailed as both public and school libraries cut hours and staff.
In additional to cutting the positions of media specialists to part time, Media Assistants, who provide invaluable support to media programs, have also been reduced to part time in many schools, leaving the very real possibility that students may be unable to use only library available to them. 
We have provided the names of schools and the contact information for principals of the schools whose Media Specialist positions have been reduced to part time and will update it as we receive new information.  Unfortunately, the reductions in hours of Media Assistants are so widespread that we have been unable to create a list as we have below for schools affected by cuts in Media Specialist hours.
 The list provides the names and supervisory assignments of the Community Superintendents.

Baldridge thrown under a bus!
After an 11th budget recommendation to principals that resulted in a educational Sophie's Choice, principals were asked to choose to among the following staff to reduce to part time:  Guidance CounselorsMedia SpecialistsReading Specialists and Staff Development Teachers.  We have been unable to find a copy of that document, but hope to have it from either the Board of Education or Union representatives.  These recommendations had not been included in published recommendations sent out a week earlier, which is why so many stakeholders (students, parents, staff, and Media Specialists themselves) were caught flat-footed by the cuts.
Immediately following a week in which many staff were informed that their positions would be cut to part-time, Board of Education Member Patricia O'Neill sent a "Dear Colleagues" letter, in which she solicited donations to honor the work of Dr. Jerry Weast.  In this invitation, the donations are earmarked toward purchasing books for elementary school libraries so "we can provide our students with well-stocked libraries." Click here for a link to the invitation.


  1. Principals in MCPS were also given the option to cut Reading Specialist positions in half or cut Staff Development positions in half. Reading Specialist have been cut. Please tell me how this makes sense? Staff Development in the school I work at does not work with students at all. However, the Reading Specialist supports classroom instruction.

  2. Of course it doesn't make sense. Why should anyone who directly instructs students be cut? It is Weast's clever manipulation of parent emotion via his lap dogs, the principals. This way parents think begging for more money from the Council will solve this 'problem', when it is a problem that doesn't really exist. If the unions give up their step increases, how many jobs would be saved? Why do you think the unions are so cozy w/Weast? Give extraordinary salaries and benefits and you are under the power of the money-giver. The unions are throwing their own people under the bus.


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