
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Council to discuss MCPS legal action in closed session


9:50 a.m.  CONSENT CALENDAR items include...
-  INTRODUCTION of Resolution to approve FY12 Transportation Fees, Charges and 
Fares (public hearing scheduled for 4/26 at 7:30 pm)
-  ACTION on $1.29m Supplemental Appropriation to Department of Transportation 
FY11 Capital Budget for Snouffer School Road North (source: Interim Finance)
-  INTRODUCTION of $710,000 Supplemental Appropriation to Department of 
Recreation FY11 Capital Budget for Germantown Indoor Swim Center (source: 
General Obligation Bonds) (public hearing/action scheduled for 4/12 at 1:30 pm)

9:55 a.m.  BOARD OF HEALTH - INTRODUCTION of Resolution to adopt Board of Health 
Regulation prohibiting smoking in certain common areas of multi-family 
residential dwellings and certain playground areas, sponsored by Councilmember 
Leventhal (public hearing by HHS Committee scheduled for 5/5/11 at 7:30 pm)

-  ACTION on Amendment to Master Plan for Historic Preservation re Kensington 
-  ACTION on rewrite of Housing Element of General Plan
* -  ACTION on Development Plan Amendment for property located on Rothbury Dr. 
in Montgomery Village, between Arrowhead Rd. and Goshen Rd., southwest of 
intersection of Snouffers School Rd. and Goshen Rd.

10:30 a.m.  PROPOSED CLOSED SESSION to obtain legal advice. Topic: Centro 
Tepeyac v. Montgomery County, et al. (in 6th floor Conference Room)

11:15 a.m.  PROPOSED CLOSED SESSION to consult about pending litigation. Topic: 
MCPS petition to State Board of Education (in 6th floor Conference Room)

12:15 p.m.  RECESS

1:30 p.m.  PUBLIC HEARINGS on...
-  Amendment to Master Plan for Historic Preservation: Damascus-Goshen Historic 
Resources - to vacate the designation of 23815 Woodfield Road as an individual 
historic resource
-  Bill 6-11, Advisory Board for the Montgomery Cares Program - Membership
-  Expedited Bill 7-11, Stormwater Management - Revisions

1:55 p.m.  ADJOURN

2:00 p.m.  PROPOSED CLOSED SESSION - Topic: Inspector General interviews (in 6th 
floor Conference Room)

7:30 p.m.  PUBLIC HEARINGS on...
-  Bill 2-11, to eliminate the Criminal Justice Coordinating Commission Director position
[currently the position is being filled by former County Councilmember Mike Subin]
-  Bill 3-11, to eliminate the Office of Community Use of Public Facilities and 
reassign functions [This office handles community use of public school properties.]
-  Bill 4-11, to eliminate the Office of Commission for Women and provide staff 
support to the Commission
-  Expedited 5-11, to modify the jurisdiction of the county Human Rights 

THURSDAY, MARCH 31 at 7:30 p.m.
PUBLIC HEARING on Bill 8-11, Taxation - Excise Tax - Disposable Carryout Bags
SELECTED COMMITTEE MEETINGS - Week of March 28 through April 1
-  3/28, 2 pm, T&E/GO Comm.s on Inspector General's Report on West Germantown 
Development District (to be televised live on county cable tv and internet--see 
General Note below)
-  3/28, 3 pm, T&E Comm. on Bill 6-10 Noise Control - Arts and Entertainment 
Activities (to be televised live on county cable tv and internet--see General 
Note below)
* Ex parte or off-the-record communications with any Councilmember regarding 
these matters is strictly prohibited by State and local law.
GENERAL NOTE: County Council sessions can be viewed over on County Cable 
television and via the internet (see instructions below for reaching that 
webpage).  Live Council sessions and archive tapes of past sessions can be 
viewed from the following webpage:

The new Council On-Demand Viewer requires Microsoft's Silverlight free plug-in.  
Information on Silverlight (and link to free software download) available on 
this webpage:

To view entire Council agenda, go to and click 
on County Council (in menu on left side), then on Council homepage click on 
Current Agenda.

The Council agenda and committee packets are PDF files that require Adobe 
Acrobat Reader to view.
-Excerpts compiled by Jim Humphrey

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