
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Elrich:'I don't even see the point' in talking to MoCo school board | Lisa Gartner | Capital Land | Washington Examiner

Elrich:'I don't even see the point' in talking to MoCo school board | Lisa Gartner | Capital Land | Washington Examiner


  1. First, thanks so much to ace reporter Ms. Gartner. Kudos for following these stories which other reporters and newspapers refuse to report (you know who you are). You deserve a prize for persistence.

    Her article quotes Councilmember Elrich as saying, "I feel like I wasted my time talking to people.." Now you know how it feels, Councilmember. You say one thing to your constituents and vote against them more often than not. As a reminder to readers of this blog, Councilmember Elrich voted in favor of giving away the Peary HS property, giving away valuable down county public land for almost nothing.

  2. And the County Exec just pushed a sweetheart deal where the County will be the go-between with a private company for another 20 acres of school land.

    Ripping off the public school children for 40 acres in 3 months! New world record!


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