
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

News Channel 8: Montgomery County School Board to vote on turning land into soccer complex

March 7, 2011:  News Channel 8 coverage of the Board of Soccer (formerly known as the Board of Education) Brickyard Middle School site issue before they voted to give away 20 acres of public school land for a non-educational use.

Note County Executive representative speaking to needs of soccer players, but ignoring needs of public school children.

1 comment:

  1. Really Roger Berliner? You just voted a few months ago to give another 20 acre parcel of public school land to a private school for pennies. You were perfectly happy when the public process was skipped in that fast-tracked public school land sweetheart deal. The County Executive ALSO worked on that deal for almost a year without any public notice. See a pattern?

    Public school students said good-bye to the 20 acre Peary High School site forever. And any opposition to losing that public school site was met with slurs that are not printable on this site.


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