
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Past Open Meetings Act Violations of Board of Education

The Parents' Coalition has been asked to remind readers about past violations of the Open Meetings Act by our Board of Education. Specifically, we have been asked to list the names of the Board of Education members who were on the Board when these violations occurred. Bold indicates Board members that are still on the Board of Education today.

January 30, 2009 Opinion of Open Meetings Act Compliance Board

Mrs. Nancy Navarro, President
Mr. Steve Abrams
Mr. Christopher Barclay
Ms. Shirley Brandman

Ms. Sharon Cox
Dr. Judy Docca
Mrs. Patricia O'Neill

October 27, 2009 Opinion of the Open Meetings Act Compliance Board.
These violations took place over a 3 year period.


Mrs. Nancy Navarro, President
Mr. Steve Abrams
Mr. Christopher Barclay
Ms. Shirley Brandman

Ms. Sharon Cox
Dr. Judy Docca
Mrs. Patricia O'Neill


Ms. Shirley Brandman, President
Mr. Christopher Barclay
Ms. Laura Berthiaume
Dr. Judy Docca
Mr. Philip Kauffman

Mrs. Nancy Navarro
Mrs. Patricia O'Neill

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