
Monday, March 14, 2011

Percent of MCPS Budget Spent on Administration

Combining the percent of the Montgomery County Public School budget spent on Central Administration and Mid Level Administration (school management) we see that Administration has not been seriously cut, despite the rhetoric from the current Superintendent. 

Not really any lower than it was under Superintendent Vance in the 1990's

Bob A.


1 comment:

  1. This is an interesting chart. You say "not really any lower than it was under Superintendent Vance..." but it "really" IS lower than it was then. To make this data more meaningful, how about adding charts that show the instructional salaries category over that same time period along with a chart that shows changes in student enrollment. I am pretty certain you would see an increase in enrollment as well as increases in the instructional salaries component of the budget. I don't think you can argue administrative salaries in isolation - and even if you try to do it, it "really" IS lower than it ever was in the '90s.


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