
Monday, March 7, 2011

"Public-Private-Partnerships are complex fiscal instruments"

From: Thanos Catsambas
Date: March 6, 2011 11:12:10 AM EST
Subject: Lease Agreement for Brickyard  Road Site

Dear Members of the Board of Education:
When we bought our property on xxxxxx Drive nearly 6 years ago, we were told by the zoning authorities of Montgomery County that any decision for future use of the land at 8615 Brickyard Road would be subject to proper public hearings and debate.  We were therefore surprised to find out only yesterday, March 5, that a vote is due on March 8, and that the public has only 30 minutes to comment on the decision.
The proposed decision would have serious consequences for the current lessee, Mr. Maravell, for the neighborhood, and also for the County itself, because Public-Private-Partnerships are complex fiscal instruments that require extensive analysis before they put in place.
Accordingly, I would like to recommend that you delay action on the proposed lease to the County (Agenda Item 4.2.5 on Tuesday, March 8, 2011), until the community has an opportunity to view the facts and offer specific recommendations.
Thanos and Tessie Catsambas 

1 comment:

  1. Mr. and Ms. Catsambas,
    This IS "proper public hearings and debate" in Montgomery County. It is all pay for play. Look around and delve into the dealings in this county. Spend some time on some issues and see what you uncover. Read through this blog, especially the older posts. The zoning officials who told you that were telling you the truth. When you moved here, this is what you get.


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