
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Teacher's Unions Explained

The Parents' Coalition does not necessarily support or oppose the views expressed in this video. It is posted here to stimulate further discussion.


  1. So who would decide if the Parents Coalition supported or opposed this video? What process would the PC use? Which members (is their membership?) vote?

  2. The Parents' Coalition members would decide if the views were supported or opposed. We are open to all MCPS employees, parents, and students. We hold our meetings right here, and everyone is welcome to submit comments.

    If you have a comment about the effects of teachers unions, we'd be happy to hear it.

  3. Thank you for the response.

    Where exactly is "right here".

    How many members are there? How does one join? What leadership structure is their (for administrative and decision making)?

    I can't find anything like this on the site.

  4. Send an e-mail to

    with your name and contact information and we will respond to your questions on other topics.

    This is a post on a specific topic. Comments on this topic are welcome here.


  5. Really? Those questions are too hard to answer?

    For a group that promotes transparency so well?

    Seriously. This group does promote transparency well. Between the Freedom For Information requests and pointing out how information that should be public isn't this group does a really good job.

    So why can't you post how your group operates, selects leaders, makes decisions, allows people to join, etc.

  6. If you want more people to take this site seriously, then you're going to have to post more sophosticated editorials. Any piece of commentary, such as this one, that boils down such a complex and sensitve issue into mocking sound bites isn't going to get a real conversation going. A meaningful dialogue is what we need, though; this just isn't the way to get there.

  7. Earlier this week we heard from Media Specialists who were surprised to find out that their hours were being cut.

    One of the things Montgomery County is known for is that Superintendent Weast has "blurred the lines of governance" and put unions at a secret budget table. From the public perspective, all we know is that unions are "at the table" and helping to make budget decisions. We have no choice but to conclude that means that the unions support the cuts to the media specialist positions.

    So the question is, why? Why do the unions support cutting media specialist positions BEFORE cuts to non-school based positions or perks?

    For example, this week we know that media specialist positions are being cut BEFORE administrator credit cards (especially the "special" group that gets to use them to eat at restaurants", before the 22 car allowances for unknown administrators, before outside Consultants, before optional travel to conventions, before membership dues for administrators, and before MCPS ends the practice of buying MAJOR items with OUT competitive bids.

    Why do the unions support waste and perks over school based positions?

    Unions are at the budget table, the public is not. We do not have the opportunity any longer to observe the budget setting process. (Thanks to the Board of Soccer(Education) who has completely abdicated their responsibility.) So all we can do is ask the question,

    WHY is this what the unions support?

  8. @6:18 This video is being widely circulated on the Internet. These types of videos are being used to discuss lots of issues today.

  9. C'mon anonymous, if you don't work for mcps I will "eat my hat." I am posting anonymosly due to links to mcea members who I do not wish to have penalized for my actions, at least I am honest as to why I post the way I do. The mcea members who viewed this with me laughed hysterically at it as this is the way their union is viewed even by many within. We could also be talking about the administrators union too, but they lay low and stay out of the debate allowing the teachers and mcea to handle the heavy lifting. Until the core of mcea embraces the parents as their supporters and trust me, parents want good teachers and are willing to support a union that can show that is what they are working for, then this fight will continue. Take out the politics put in the children and the parents will work with you.

  10. I chuckled several times- and I'm a teacher.

  11. @9:30 - if you're an MCEA member- I'd encourage you to take your issues and name public. If you're not- I'd encourage your friends to do so.

  12. History of Parents' Coalition and Gazette article on group:

  13. Anonymous@4:59, I am a member of the parents coalition and will try to answer your questions. This group is not like other organizations to which I belong, or have belonged. This group is open, it's in the 'cloud' and operates 24/7. It operates right here. Anyone can join. Pick a topic. FOIA a govt. agency. Post the results here. That is all there is to it. Push this government for transparency as other people all over this country have. For example we just saw the MoCo gov't. in action with the Brickyard achool site. How did this happen so suddenly? To find out, someone needs to call people; someone needs to write and submit a FOIA request to find out who was involved in the deal that was worked out over the past year; to spend hours and hours on the internet looking for the background to this 'sudden' decision that has been in the works for over 1 year; and the like. Do you want to do it? That's all there is to it. There is no 'administration' and there is no 'leadership structure.' This is it. Roll up your sleeves. Welcome!
    Paula Bienenfeld

  14. Thank you for a very detailed response on how the organization runs and operates. It's very clear that much time/effort is placed into some of the issues that individual members believe in and this provides a good service for the community.

    Yet there must be some type of leadership structure. For example, the media (Gazette, Post, etc.) will often say something like, "the Parents Coalition" supports/opposes. Who/how decides this? The PC apparently has a PAC. Who raises the money and who decides who gets the money?

    Certainly not criticizing an organization having a PAC and using it, but it does suggest an organizational leadership.

    Again, thank you for your time.

  15. This blog and the Parents'Coalition website are not affiliated with any PAC. The Gazette article did a great job of explaining this organization.


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parentscoalitionmc AT