
Friday, March 11, 2011

Them That's Got: Leggett Pays Crony $160K Salary

Thanks reporter Brian Hughes for this revealing article in today's Examiner.  Here is how Ike Leggett is spending your tax dollars.  A salary of $158,464 to meet four times a year.

Montgomery County Executive Ike Leggett's office is spending nearly $160,000 annually on salary and benefits for a longtime political ally and former County Council member to head a commission that meets four times a year.

Budget documents reviewed by The Washington Examiner show that the county is doling out $158,464 in compensation to Michael Subin, executive director of the county's Criminal Justice Coordinating Commission, which is tasked with "coordinating communication" among Montgomery's law enforcement agencies.
"It looks bad," said one high-ranking county official who asked to remain anonymous. "To be paying that much to one of your political buddies -- for, let's face it, not that much work -- is outrageous with our budget situation."
Read the full article here.


  1. Some of the history of Michael Subin's involvement in county politics can be found at:

  2. How many library employees would that pay for?

  3. Louis, thanks for the link. What an eye opener. Does anyone know whatever happened to the two analysts? Per the Post article, "As part of its 2007 budget plan, the council voted to hire two analysts to focus exclusively on the school system's budget."
    P. Bienenfeld

  4. This salary $160,000 and the $65,000 new bathroom in 2008 total $225,000 wow that would fix some of the HVAC systems in our schools, keep some of the support staff for students of special needs, the list goes on... -thank you again PC m

  5. @12:04 Remember that the bathroom was a one time expenditure. The salary is annual!


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