
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Weast still withholding materials of instruction?

The Parents' Coalition has been forwarded the following note from a MCPS high school:
It has come to the attention of the PTSA that there is a need for TI83 calculators for students unable to purchase one in preparation for exams or completing assignments at home.  If you have an old TI 83 calculator or perhaps your student is upgrading to an newer model and you would like to donate the old one to other students in need it would be appreciated.  [XXXXX] in the Counseling Office is receiving these calculators.  Please drop them by the counseling office for her or have your student drop them by.  If you have any questions about this drive, feel free to contact me on [XXXXX] or contact [XXXXX] in the Counseling Office. Thank you in advance for your generous donation.

Here is the MCPS statement on graphing calculators from the MCPS website
If a student cannot purchase a graphing calculator, one will be loaned to the student for the duration of the course.

What's going on at this high school? Why aren't students being supplied with the tools necessary to be successful in their classes?  Why are materials of instruction being withheld while administrators continue to charge restaurant meals to the school system's budget? 

Here's hoping that the next Superintendent provides ALL Montgomery County Public School students with the necessary materials of instruction!  

All students are entitled to a free public education under the Maryland Constitution. 

MCPS administrators are not entitled to charge personal meals to the school system's operating budget.  That's not what the MCPS operating budget was set up to fund.

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