
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Council to discuss MCPS legal action in closed session, again


9:00 a.m.  PROPOSED CLOSED SESSION to obtain legal advice. Topic: MCPS petition 
to State Board of Education re maintenance of effort level of funding

10:35 a.m.  CONSENT CALENDAR items include...
-  ACTION on Resolution to extend time until May 15, 2011 to consider collective 
bargaining agreements
-  ACTION on $2.2 million Special Appropriation to MCPS FY11 Capital Budget for 
relocatable classrooms (source: Current Revenue)

10:40 a.m.  ACTION - Appointment of Inspector General

10:45 a.m.  BRIEFING - Report of the Clarksburg Infrastructure Working Group

11:30 a.m.  BRIEFING - Report of the PEPCO Working Group

12:15 p.m.  RECESS

1:30 p.m.  PUBLIC HEARINGS on...
-  Intent to consider increasing FY12 General Fund tax rate above the Constant 
Yield Tax Rate (CYTR)
-  Resolution to set amount of Property Tax Credit for Income Tax Offset
-  Bill 9-11, Contracts and Procurement - Minority Owned Businesses - Amendments

1:45 p.m.  ADJOURN

7:30 p.m.  PUBLIC HEARINGS on...
-  Expedited Bill 10-11, Recordation Tax - Allocation of Revenue
-  Resolution to approve FY12 Transportation Fees, Charges, and Fares
-  Expedited Bill 11-11, Personnel - Retirement Plans - Contributions
SELECTED COMMITTEE MEETINGS - Week of April 25 through 29
[NOTE: all committee sessions this week are on FY12 Operating Budget and Capital 
Amendments for departments and agencies under purview of each committee.]
-  4/25, 9:30 am, PS/PHED Comm.s on Park Police
-  4/25, 9:30 am, GO Comm. on collective bargaining agreements, and employee 
compensation and benefits for all agencies--will continue on 4/28 at 9:30 am 
(both sessions to be televised live on county cable tv and internet--see General 
Note below)
-  4/26, 2 pm, T&E Comm. items include FY12 Water Quality Protection and Solid 
Waste Service charges
-  4/27, 9:30 am, PHED Comm. on Recreation, Dept. of Permitting Services, and 
Economic Development
-  4/27, 2 pm, GO/HHS Comm.s items include bills re Human Rights Commission and 
Commission for Women (to be televised live)
-  4/28, 2 pm, T&E Comm. items include FY12 Transportation Fees, Charges and 
Fares, and Parking Lot Districts (to be televised live)
-  4/29, 2:30 pm, PHED Comm. on Housing Opportunities Commission, Dept. of 
Housing and Community Affairs, and Economic Development
GENERAL NOTE: County Council sessions can be viewed over on County Cable 
television and via the internet (see instructions below for reaching that 
webpage).  Live Council sessions and archive tapes of past sessions can be 
viewed from the following webpage:

The new Council On-Demand Viewer requires Microsoft's Silverlight free plug-in.  
Information on Silverlight (and link to free software download) available on 
this webpage:

To view entire Council agenda, go to and click 
on County Council (in menu on left side), then on Council homepage click on 
Current Agenda.

The Council agenda and committee packets are PDF files that require Adobe 
Acrobat Reader to view.
-Excerpts compiled by Jim Humphrey

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