
Thursday, April 28, 2011

"Waiting for California's Superman:" Is Jerry Weast "Clark Kent In Waiting?"


  1. Listen to what Weast says at the 20 minute mark- teachers gave up 90million for themselves to keep keep the data driven system going. WOW.

  2. Sorry- 23 minute and 56 seconds

  3. A National Board Certified TeacherMay 2, 2011 at 12:53 PM

    Yes, we did. While we didn't all agree to it, it was put to a vote each year. The first year we gave up our negotiated 5% raise and got out step, this year we weren't slated to get a raise, and we voted to give up our step. By doing this we have saved millions that contractually were promised to us. Now there is talk of even more and Leggett and County Council aren't going to seek a waiver for MOE? REALLY! WE've given up money that was promised to us and the County Exec and Council can't apply for a waiver? If we aren't funded at MOE then the SCHOOL DISTRICT (not the county) will be fined and lose even more money from our budget. I doubt we will get our steps again this year, and I know if we continue to not be funded our steps many of the teachers who live outside of MoCo (I would guess at least 50% of us) won't be able to afford to continue to teach here. If we go a third or fourth year without any increase many of us won't be able to afford the gas to get to the #1 school system in the state...and wouldn't that be sad that some of the best teachers in the state are going to other school districts simply because monitarily they have to?
    The teachers have given up a fair share...let's look to some other places in the county budget to cut.
    What about this?

    What about this?

    Don't bring up the Promethean Boards again...that horse is so dead glue could be made out of it. Let's realize that we need to fund MoCo schools AND teachers if the parents want to continue to get the level of education their children are use to!

  4. So the $20 million + spent on Promethean Boards wouldn't have been able to buy "gas" for teachers?

    Why not? If you are happy to throw money away, then don't complain about the end result.

  5. A National Board Certified TeacherMay 2, 2011 at 1:51 PM

    Once again focused on the Promethean Boards, not all the money we voluntarily gave "back" to the county. And the 20 million while nice, wouldn't have funded our steps or negotiated pay raise we gave back.

  6. And the guessing on how many MCPS staff live in Montgomery County? No need to guess. 73% of MCPS employees live in Montgomery County.

  7. A National Board Certified TeacherMay 2, 2011 at 1:54 PM

    Also, any response to the article about the large amounts of money the fire department is spending for overtime to cover the furloughs? Doesn't that seem counter-intuative? What about the fact that the County Council isn't looking for a MOE waiver and therefore costing the county even MORE money? No outrage for that?

  8. No, focused on SPENDING. The failure to bring outside funding to the Council for Appropriation - as required by LAW - diverted funding away from salaries and to NO BID technology procurements.

    We now know that the Council sees that the type of spending that has been going on in MCPS is UNSUSTAINABLE. If teachers are happy taking the hit for this under the table spending, then that is their choice. Teachers have a seat at the secret budget table, the public does not.

    If the unions want to discuss the MCPS budget then step away from the secret, back room budget discussions and open up the discussion. But as long as the unions support back room deals, they get what they get.

    The unions can't complain about the budget and simultaneously sit at secret budget discussions. Superintendent Weast is very clear that the unions are "at the budget table" and have helped craft the MCPS budget. Clearly, the unions support the failure of MCPS to appropriate outside dollars because those funds are still not being disclosed in budget documents.

  9. I was sold the contract concessions as a necessary evil.... "there's no money." That was the line. The rank and file don't get real information... they just get what their told and make decisions accordingly. Essentially, they trust what they've been told.


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