
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Only Boards Can Down This Tree

Apology to Joyce Kilmer

I think that I shall henceforth see,
a schoolhouse where there was a tree.

tree that stood for eighty years
and heard the laughing children’s cheers.

tree that braved the Winter’s cold:
stood tall and firm while growing old.

tree that in the Summer breeze,
would  keep us cool and make us sneeze.

tree that lasted all this time,
and prompted me to change a rhyme.

This little thought from me to thee,

~Jim Zink 


  1. Mr. Zink, thanks! What a lovely poem - and in April, National Poetry Month, too.
    Paula Bienenfeld

  2. Do MCPS students even know what a poem is anymore? Would they recognize Joyce Kilmer? Maybe AP English only...


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