
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Update on New Superintendent Search

Last week I spoke with Hank Gmitro, of Hazard, Young. Attea (HYA, the search firm the Board of Education [BOE] has hired for the superintendent search).  He told me that HYA both received applications; and reached out to potential applicants to compile resumes for the new Montgomery County Public Schools superintendent.  There were 25-30 resumes in all.  These resumes were reviewed by the Board of Education and the list was narrowed to a smaller group of ‘semi-finalists.’  I understand that the Board of Education will be interviewing ‘semi-finalist’ candidates this weekend.  

In addition, the Board has chosen a small group of 14-15 people to invite to a ‘community committee’ which will take place ~April 13th -15th, however, those invited have heard nothing further as of last Thursday.  They have signed confidentiality agreements, however, which include agreeing to not take notes at the meeting; and not reveal where the meeting will be held.  These individuals include members of: the unions; NAACP; Gifted and Talented Association (GTA); someone from the Special Education community; the Montgomery County Business Roundtable for Education (MCBRE)*; the PTA; and local colleges.  More were invited however I do not have a complete list.  The only people that have come forward to say they have been invited are Fred Stichnoth, president of GTA; and Kristin Trible, president of MCCPTA.  Both have asked for input prior to the interview.  Thank you both.

If you have not heard from a representative of your group, contact the president to see if they have been invited and make sure your voice is heard.  The school system and the superintendent are paid for by your tax dollars, and, whether you have a child in this system or not, over one-half your tax dollars are going to support this system.  Make sure your voice is heard.

Thank you.
Paula Bienenfeld
Education Committee Chair, Montgomery County Civic Federation

*the MCBRE board is composed of for-profit business members including for example, Pearson, Wachovia Bank, Sodexo, Citigroup, Lockheed Martin, Dell, Hess Construction; representatives of various colleges, and the current superintendent.

1 comment:

  1. How many Broad Academy graduates have applied for the job?


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