
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Council: MCPS Budget to Increase $31 Million for FY 12

Press Release:  Montgomery County Council Agrees to $4.4 Billion Total Operating Budget for FY12. All-Agencies Budget Has 2.2 Percent Increase

...The Council appropriated $1.951 billion in current tax-supported funds for Montgomery County Public Schools. That is $31 million, or 1.6 percent, more than was appropriated in tax-supported funds for FY11. The funding level is based on an assumption that MCPS will adjust its benefit package for employees as the Council changed benefits for FY12 for County Government employees. Even with those adjustments, MCPS employees will still receive more generous health and retirement benefits than most Federal, County and private sector employees...

Montgomery County Public Schools 
Approved $1,950,909,291 in tax-supported funding, an increase of $31 million (1.6 percent) over FY11 adopted budget. The overall MCPS budget will be $2,086,786,613. 

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