
Thursday, May 26, 2011

County Council approves property tax increase

Typical daily scene at the Shady Grove Waste Transfer Station. 

Gotta pay for these services somehow, folks!


  1. Was this printed with permission? Did you at least get a release form signed by the worker?

  2. The worker is obviously not a minor, is not a celebrity, and is in a location that is accessible to the public. Therefore, no permission is needed to publish his photograph.

    However, what he is doing (or not doing) is representative of many employees (or contractors) at the waste transfer station, so his specific identity is not even important.

  3. Actually the fact that he is not a celebrity gives the publisher of the photo less legal protection. Performers and public persona are pretty much fair game. Irrelevant now that the identity of the person has been obscured.

    Even though the negativity and muckraking sometimes pisses me off, I always come back this site and its exposure of MCPS shenanigans. That would be because its gaze is generally directed at the school board and MCPS administration, who are people who have some sort of power, and should be held to a high degree of accountability. MCEA deserves a big piece of attention too, at least insofar as they manage to coopt the board or the administration.

    I don't always agree with your perspective, but you generally provoke the right kinds of thoughts and that's a good thing.

    But this turn towards employee-bashing is a different thing, and of a piece with some recent posts about greedy public employees.... Just so we're clear: is the Coalition's position that public employees are greedy and lazy?

    Weast may deserve what he gets from you guys, but he's both well compensated and responsible (along with the board) for the decisions that draw your fire. Public employees like the guy at the dump are not elected, don't decide their working conditions, have minimal negotiating power about anything. If the transfer station is inefficiently run and requires tax increases (I guess that's your point), whose fault is it? Not likely to be that guy's fault.


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