
Monday, May 23, 2011

Did a MoCo Board Member Really Say "Muddling". . .

during a discussion of the Montogmery County Board of Education Budget?

Does this Board member know what the word means?

Is this a reflection on our elected officials?  An admission that the BOE doesn't know what is going on with our substantial educational budget?   Or just plain dumb?



Here is the definition from

mud·dle   /ˈmʌdl/

verb, -dled, -dling, noun

–verb (used with object)

1. to mix up in a confused or bungling manner; jumble.

2. to cause to become mentally confused.

3. to cause to become confused or stupid with or as if with an intoxicating drink.

4. to make muddy or turbid, as water.

5. to mix or stir (a cocktail, chocolate, etc.).

6. Ceramics . to smooth (clay) by rubbing it on glass.
–verb (used without object)

7. to behave, proceed, or think in a confused or aimless fashion or with an air of improvisation: Some people just muddle along, waiting for their big break.


8. the state or condition of being muddled, especially a confused mental state.

9. a confused, disordered, or embarrassing condition; mess.

—Verb phrase

10. muddle through, to achieve a certain degree of success but without much skill, polish, experience, or direction: None of us knew much about staging a variety show, so we just had to muddle through.

—Related forms

mud·dled·ness, mud·dle·ment, noun

mud·dling·ly, adverb

pre·mud·dle, noun, verb (used with object), -dled, -dling.

un·mud·dled, adjective


1. confuse, botch, bungle, spoil. Unabridged

Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2011.

muddling. (n.d.). Unabridged. Retrieved May 23, 2011, from website:

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