
Friday, May 27, 2011

Jerry Weast's Legacy

Letter to the Editor, Washington Post, page A20, Friday May 27, 2011

"...Far from being “challenged” to meet the higher standards, these students get frustrated, tune out, act up and just do not bother. This, of course, affects the rest of the class.

Montgomery County schools pay the fees for many of these students to take the AP tests. As someone who has served as a proctor at these tests, I can say that some students don’t show up on the test day or, worse, put their heads down on their desks after 20 minutes because they cannot do the work. But the school gets its desired result — the right to say that a high percentage of its students take the AP test and a ranking on the Challenge Index. ..."

V.H. (The writer is a retired Montgomery County high school teacher)

1 comment:

  1. Oh, no! There is no falling asleep during AP exams in Montgomery County! If students do that they are PENALIZED with having to take a FINAL EXAM!

    Read the memo:


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