
Friday, May 20, 2011

MontCo school officials resist new budget | Brian Hughes | Education | Washington Examiner

MontCo school officials resist new budget | Brian Hughes | Education | Washington Examiner

Many county officials are criticizing the schools' response, saying the agency is turning a blind eye to cutbacks in public safety, parks, libraries and other public services.

"What they are doing certainly isn't helpful -- acting like it's the end of days," said Council President Valerie Ervin, D-Silver Spring. "We can do this without affecting the classroom. Their version is not reality."
Read more at the Washington Examiner:


  1. Reality? The person who's out of touch with reality and the truth is Ervin. The cutbacks are affecting children, by way of combination classes, larger class sizes, cuts in the arts, cuts in physical education, and cuts in counseling services. If you can prove that those cuts aren't happening and aren't affecting the classroom, you go right ahead and do so.

  2. Point is MCPS budget is going UP and the cuts to school based positions are punitive.

    Everyone knows there are plenty of places where the MCPS budget could be trimmed without impacting classrooms. But guess what? No one would have a screaming fit if administrators, outside consultants, take home cars, credit cards, no bid procurements, and travel allowances were cut!

    The cuts to classrooms are on purpose and are being used to hurt students to get press coverage. Would The Washington Post write a story about how administrators had to give up their credit cards and couldn't take union leaders to lunch anymore?

    It's a choice being made by the people that write the budget - and that includes the leaders of the Unions.

    Why aren't the Union leaders upfront with their memberships telling them what they are trading?

  3. They are. Your 'secret squirrel' act is getting more absurd and laughable in every post.

    Your assertion that these cuts are made for punitive purposes and to gain press verges on comedy.

  4. No, the point isn't that the budget is going up and that the cuts...are punitive. Ervin is lying. The cuts ARE hurting schools and children. You are perpetuating the lie by posting Ervin's comments as if they constitute truth.

    It's no different than the lies you perpetuated concerning the salaries of PE teachers recently.

    PC is becoming nothing more than a propaganda page.

  5. You're right. The administrators and outside consultants (double dippers) are laughing themselves all the way to the bank!

    And the no-bid vendors? They thank teachers very, very much for allowing them to have no competition on major procurements of tens and tens of millions of dollars.

    And American Express? Making them very happy.

  6. Paula Bienenfeld said...
    Bottom line, county residents should not forget that the MCPS is NOT a county agency. It is not part of our community. It is a 'quasi-state agency.' As such, it isn't interested in a fiscal balance among the different parts of our community; the police; the firemen and women; the EMT workers; the libraries; feeding and caring for our most at-risk citizens. Now that the fight is getting ugly, we see MCPS for what it is. And it is NOT part of our community. Citizens of this county, don't kid yourselves. MCPS has no interest in our county, only in our wallets.


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