
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Montgomery County Civic Federation Comments on Artificial Turf Report

Below please find the comments from the Civic Federation on the recently released Artificial Turf Report, A Review of Benefits and Issues associated with Natural and Artificial Turf Rectangular Stadium Fields, by the Artificial Turf Working Group.  Please note the deadline for comments has been extended and the deadline is now June 3, 2011.  Please make sure to read this report in its entirety and provide comments.

Send comments to:
Make sure to cc:
Board of Education:
Montgomery County Council:

or send paper copies to:
MCPS Department of Facilities Management, 2096 Gaither Road, Rockville, MD 20850; and cc the County Council and Board of Education with those comments!

Please send your comments to this blog also and they will be uploaded so others can read the comments.  If you have comments on our Civic Fed response please email me offline.
Thank you.

Paula Bienenfeld
Education Committee Chair
Montgomery County Civic Federation

Artificial Turf Report Public Draft Comments-MCCF_May-11-2011


  1. Did we ever get an answer as to WHY 19 bags of new ground up tires were put on the Richard Montgomery field? The only answer we saw was that either (1) installation was defective and they didn't put enough in in the first place, or (2) MCPS improperly snowplowed the field. Since MCPS claims they didn't snowplow the field...why are we still dealing with a company that did "crummy" installation?

  2. This is truly yeoman's work and we all thank you! Are there any actual conclusions to this report that are either supported or refuted?


If your comment does not appear in 24 hours, please send your comment directly to our e-mail address:
parentscoalitionmc AT