
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Riemer: $31 Million Increase to MCPS

Budget update from Councilmember Hans Riemer:

$31 Million Increase to MCPS 
Tax-supported funding for our public schools will increase by $31 million, from $1.92 billion to $1.951 billion. As a result of this funding increase, class size will not increase even though enrollment is growing. As in past years, MCPS will receive more than half (56%) of all tax-supported spending for government agencies.  

1 comment:

  1. While what Mr. Riemer has written is true, it doesn't paint the full and accurate picture. MCPS funding went up because the state increased their contribution to MCPS by $65 million. The CC, which Mr. Riemer is on, then reduced their contribution to MCPS by tens of millions.

    End result is that MCPS funding is rising, but not as a result of tax dollars provided by the Council. Instead it is due to tax dollars provided by the state.

    Please note I'm not saying this was good or bad of the Council to do. But it is a more accurate picture of what took place this year.


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