
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Starr's compensation puts him on par with New York, Los Angeles chiefs

Montgomery school board approves $250,000 salary for new superintendent
by Andrew Ujifusa | Staff Writer

The next superintendent of Montgomery County Public Schools will earn $250,000 in annual salary, in the same league as school chiefs in New York City and Los Angeles, under the terms of a four-year contract approved Tuesday by the Board of Education. 
Joshua P. Starr, currently the superintendent in Stamford, Conn., also could earn salary increases based on annual evaluations that include specific performance goals for the school system such as student achievement. By Oct. 1, Starr and the school board are expected to agree on the goals. The goals and objectives are intended to be made part of the contract, and then made public... 
...The board also "presumed" it will give Starr annual salary increases, taking into account the performance goals, "fiscal realities" and salary increases given to other school system employees. Starr also will receive $35,000 in annual deferred compensation and $18,750 annually toward his retirement, as well as medical, dental and life insurance. For "technology support," he will receive a personal computer or laptop, a Blackberry or an iPhone, software, and a telefax/printer machine. 
In addition to receiving a vehicle for both business and personal purposes, Starr also is entitled to reimbursement for "reasonable out-of-pocket" expenses, and is required to submit a monthly expense report to the school board president. He also can receive up to $30,000 in relocation expenses...
...Starr's earnings now appear to be on par with superintendents of the largest school systems in the country. The Empire Center for New York State Policy's database of public salaries reported former New York City schools chancellor Joel Klein's annual salary at $250,000, the same amount paid to the superintendent of the Los Angeles Unified School District in 2009-2010, when Ramon Cortines was superintendent, the district's salary chart shows.

Full article here.

The New York City Department of Education is the largest system of public schools in the United States, serving about 1.1 million students in nearly 1,700 schools.

Total Los Angeles Unified School District Enrollment 678,441

Total MCPS enrollment 144,000

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