
Friday, May 6, 2011

Weast's Supersized McKenney Hills Elementary School

What does it look like when a neighborhood elementary school for students is replaced with a supersized elementary school for 740 students? Take a look. 

Here is the original 29,278 sq. ft. McKenney Hills Elementary School built to hold around 350 students that sat on this site for decades (image on left). That building was demolished and a new 95,475 sq. ft. building is going to be built in its place (image on right). Superintendent Jerry Weast has said the new building was going to be built up. Well, the new building is actually going up and out compared to the old building!

Now you can see why the Board of Education demanded that parts of the old forest be cleared to support Superintendent Weast's new supersized elementary school. This is going to be one large elementary school! 


  1. Thanks for posting. Once again I want to remind people, it isn't Weast who is doing this, it is your elected Board of Education (Chris Barclay, President). If you voted for this Board of Education, this is what you voted for. And because elections were just last November and the incumbents were all re-elected, it is reasonable for the Board to assume this is what you want. If this isn't what you want, don't vote for the incumbents.

  2. And your point is...?

  3. Thanks for reading from Arizona! Point was pretty clear, don't vote for the incumbents in the next round of Board of Education elections.

    The Board of Education are the elected officials that have turned over all of the Long Range Planning decisions to the short range whims of the temporary Superintendent, wreaking havoc on Montgomery County neighborhoods.

  4. Anonymous@6:08pm,
    My point is as Janis S. said. It is the Board of Education representing you that makes these plans and puts them into practice. It is not their employees. And, this is your choice. You vote. The entire group of incumbent board members that ran was re-elected last November. Every last one. Is it any wonder they conclude that how they decide to spend your tax dollars is what you want? The conclusion on the part of Board members is, you voted for me. I represent you. If you didn't want these things to happen you would have voted for someone else. I haven't looked at the voting for the people that live in the McKenney Hills area, but if they voted overwhelmingly for this board, this is what they voted for. And, my point was, Weast is merely their employee. He, as any good employee does, does what they want him to do.
    Paula Bienenfeld

  5. How long will it take for enrollment to dive and this "super sized" school to get leased out for peanuts to a private school??? 10 - 20 years?

  6. Susan,

    Why do you think that enrollment will "dive" at this school? All indications are that the population in the area that MHE will service will continue to grow. If the school performs at an academic level similar to OTE or WE (not too strange of an assumption since kids from both schools will be a part of MHE) why would a population decline at this school occur?

  7. That's the normal ebb and flow of a neighborhood. People don't move just because their kids are out of elementary school. They stay and enrollment drops. That's the normal pattern of a neighborhood.


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