
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Your Property Values Will Decline, Teachers Threaten

Over the weekend, the community received a mailer, courtesy of those folks that also bring you the Apple Ballot.

The teachers' union makes the claim that Montgomery County homeowners will see a decline in the value of their homes unless MCPS gets all the money it's demanding for its budget.

Raise taxes? Jeopardize Montgomery County's AAA bond rating? No thank you. And, by the way, take me off your mailing list.


  1. And from the Council President:

    Dear Residents,

    I am writing to update you on the County Council's decision making process as we work through how to fund the Montgomery County Public Schools in the coming fiscal year, FY12. I understand that many in our community are apprehensive, particularly given some of the information that has been put forward.

    Please let me assure you that the County Council's commitment to our world-class school system is unwavering, and that I will work with our colleagues on the Board of Education to minimize the impact of any funding decision on the classroom. As we finalize our budget deliberations, we are looking at options that would preserve a year-to-year increase in tax funding for MCPS in the coming fiscal year.

    MCPS has been very fortunate in recent years to receive full formula funding of State Aid, and the Council will appropriate all State Aid for education to MCPS. This influx of State Aid has protected MCPS from the worst of the budget reductions in the past three years that other departments and agencies have faced. For example, the County Executive's recommendation for MCPS was a year-to-year increase of 3.5%, due in large part to State Aid. At the same time, the Executive's recommendation for the Fire and Rescue Service was a year-to-year reduction of -1.7%, for Libraries of -9.8%, and for transportation of -3.3%.

    In this unprecedented fiscal climate, the Council is faced with the need to ensure that scarce County resources are available for all of our critical priorities - including safety net human services, public safety, and other vital parts of County Government. In this period of limited funds, I will use all available resources to accomplish our only goal for the upcoming budget - to create a stable, sustainable future for our schools and all County agencies.


    Valerie Ervin
    Montgomery County Council

  2. Would you permit a rebuttal from MCPS teachers to also be posted you your site, or is the County Council President the only opinion you are willing to publish?

  3. To "Ireland," here's the link to the blog that the teachers' union maintains, and that your dues (if you are a dues paying member, that is) helps to support:

    Would the MCEA blog permit information from the Parents Coalition to be posted on their blog?

  4. Answering a question with a question sounds like you are trying to tap dance. You are willingly posting a message from the County Council president...are you as willing to post something from our MCEA president? It is a simple yes/no question. You are, of course, free to post what you please on your own website. I am just wondering what the rules are here as to whose messages are allowed to be published on the Parent's Coalition website and whose are not.

  5. Ireland. This post WAS a message from the Apple Ballot/MCEA Union. This is the UNION Mailer going to homes.

  6. I am so sorry, let me be more clear. You have posted (please, correct me if I am wrong)a letter/email from County Council president Ervin. Would you be equally willing to post a letter from Doug Prouty or Tom Israel that disputer the letter from Ms. Ervin?

  7. Ireland, why are you asking hypothetical questions? Doug Prouty or Tom Israel haven't contacted us. They are certainly free to send us whatever letters they want, and the moderator will make a decision at that time.

  8. I have nothing against unions, but this is an extraordinarily shameless mailing. It depicts good schools as primarily a means to protect property values and maybe improve the job outlook, having nothing to do with kids. Huh?

  9. Mr. Cochrane, there are many homeowners who don't have children in the schools and aren't as interested in their welfare as they are in the value of their homes.


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