
Sunday, June 5, 2011

Brickyard Middle School site Confidential Memo shows intent

Below is a Confidential Memo which we received over the transom. It is from Superintendent J. Weast to Members of the Montgomery County (MD) Board of Education, and surprisingly is dated May 12, 2010. Yes, you read that right. Over one year ago. Over one year ago, County Executive Ike Leggett went to the Superintendent telling him of his intention to remove the organic farm at the Brickyard school site, the farm that had operated there for over 30 years, and replace it with soccer fields. The memo states that in November 2009 Mr. Leggett went to then-Board of Education President Pat O'Neill telling her of his intent.

Brickyard Weast Confidential Memo May 12, 2010


  1. A very long time ago I was told that if you waited for the meeting, it was too late.
    These actions are now typical of County Executive Leggett. He has truly been a disappointment for those of us that expected an open participatory County government following Duncan.
    Those now lining up for the next election are no better.

  2. Great post. Shows how much went on behind the scenes before anyone really knew.


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