
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Gazette: Board of Education president hits back at Ervin over health costs

Says school system has succeeded where County Council has failed
by andrew ujifusa and erin cunningham, Staff Writer

...Ervin said Wednesday afternoon that she had not yet read Barclay's letter, but had heard about it from her colleagues.
She said the council is not the aggressor in its relationship with the school board, pointing out that the board has threatened to sue the council over cuts to its budget in the past.
"They knew they had this surplus in the spring, and we're going to investigate," said Ervin, a former school board member. "Whether or not we have a relationship with the (school) board is really up to them."


  1. Very telling that the only comments pulled from the article and posted are those of Valerie Ervin. The article is about Chris Barclay proving that Ms. Ervin is interested in only one thing...herself. Where are the quotes from Mr. Barclay? Don't want to highlight them because they disagree with your point of view?

  2. This is pretty telling, that is for people that like facts:

  3. Janis,
    Thanks for posting this and the link. I have 2 comments: 1. in the article itself, Mr. Barclay says of the council, "That is an interesting waste of time." For a real interesting waste of time, go to the 'Weast Watch' page of the Parents Coalition website and to numerous posts on this blog, to see how a superintendent, who is an employee of Mr. Barclay and the other members of the Board of Education, is gone from this county more often than not, giving speeches, and in one case, while in Ireland, proclaiming on the radio that he is an employee of the Irish public school system. 2. Ms. Ervin apparently said that Mr. Barclay and the BOE are a mouthpiece for the retiring superintendent. That is in no way the case. Mr. Weast is an employee of the BOE. If anything, he is a mouthpiece for the BOE. The BOE is the body YOU voted for and it is the BOE members who are the responsible parties. This current situation is the work of the Board and no one else.


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