
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Leadership Wars - or What Happens When Meetings are Held in Secret

Today, the good taxpaying folks in Montgomery County saw first hand what happens when their elected leadership does not play by the rules.

Chris Barclay, President of the Montgomery County Board of Education, sent off the missive below in response to a letter sent earlier in the week by Valerie Ervin, President of the Montgomery County Council.

Honestly, if we had the discussions in public and on the record, would we have the need for these letters at all? 

Was the public given notice of the Barclay-Brandman-Ervin meeting on April 15?  No. 

Did someone take minutes?  No.

Hate to say it, but that is why Maryland has an Open Meetings Act.

Thanks to Jennifer Bach for the tip. 
Letter to Valerie Ervin-060811

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