
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Algebra in Eighth Grade for All?

Washington Post, Letter to the Editor, July 24, 2011
Pre-algebra is the shallow end of the math pool, while Algebra I is the deep end. Who would want their kid thrown in the deep end to learn to swim? Mathematics is a process that can be followed to the PhD level if the student hasn’t been left behind by an accelerated curriculum instituted by the unknowing. Part of this push to have every kid in the eighth grade take Algebra I is for the glory of education administrators (though they will never admit it). The higher you go in the educational hierarchy, the less in touch those people seem to be with the reality of teaching. Having all eighth-graders take Algebra I is a stunningly good example of this.(...)

D.M., Fairfax Station


  1. One-size-fits-all teaching does not make for good learning. Some students are more than ready for 8th grade algebra; other students are not.

  2. Unfortunately, we elected the "one-size-fits-all" Board of Education last November. At every opportunity, they vote to continue Weast's failed "One Size Fits All (Who Are Going To College)" scheme.

    Q: What's the purpose of having kids with disabilities who are 2-3 years behind in math forced into "grade level" math?
    A: It makes the LRE numbers look better.


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