
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Gazette: Report: County schools could serve healthier foods

In 2011, 7.3 percent more breakfasts and lunches served than in 2010 in Montgomery

...Anne Arundel County Public Schools, for example, serve all-you-can-eat portions of fruits and vegetables, and samples of new fruits and vegetables once per month.
Schools in Boulder, Colo. eliminated processed foods and flavored milk while introducing roasted chicken. District of Columbia Public Schools offered reimbursable meals from salad bars at 12 schools in fiscal 2011, and Chicago offers them in one-third of all schools. Baltimore city schools has used longer menu cycles to introduce and use more healthy foods...


  1. I see students eating frozen fried chicken for lunch at an mcps summer school.

  2. It's cooked first, right?

  3. No its right out of the freezer. That's what they get for having to go to summer school.

  4. @anonymous That's a useless comment unless you name the school. Where and when do you claim this has happened?

    Seriously, MCPS' PR Director Dana Tofig told the pubic that MCPS stored SOD in shed over the winter! Leave the fairy tales to the MCPS PR department. If you have some facts to put forward then do so. What school? What grade students?


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