
Saturday, July 9, 2011

Meet-up with Arne!

Parents' Coalition was honored to be invited to the first Let's Read! Let's Move! event of the summer at the U.S. Department of Education, held on July 6th. Our guests included members of the Cheetahs Hockey Team and their parents. We all listened to Ed Sec Arne Duncan and surprise guests U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and basketball great Kareem Abdul-Jabbar read from some of their favorite books. AG Holder read from Dr. Seuss' 'Oh, the Places You'll Go!' and Mr. Abdul-Jabbar read from 'Goal!' by Mina Javaherbin. Another surprise guest was Teresa Scanlan, Miss America! What a thrill! Thanks so much to Michelle Draughn and Dept. of Ed staff and YMCA volunteers who organized this terrific event. The kids had a blast, first playing games like Brainquest, then listening to the readings and asking questions, and finally time out for play and games. We can't thank the Dept of Ed staff and volunteers enough for this wonderful opportunity. The warmth and enthusiasm for the children on the part of the staff and volunteers was a great thing to experience and the kids are still beaming. At the end of the event the kids all received snacks and a book of their choice autographed by Miss America! To me the most impressive part of the program was watching Miss America with the kids, running around, jumping and playing -- all in 4-inch heels! You go girl. For more on the event, read the DOJ blog here, and for a parent's-eye view, go here. And, the Dept of Ed blog is here.


  1. I was so delighted to go to this event. Thank you so much!

  2. You are so welcome, it was great to meet you and your kids. What a blast! Also thanks so much for your own post. hilarious.


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