
Monday, July 25, 2011

Pasternak is on MCPS Foundation too

MCPS EF Form 990 for 2010
Q.  What do the Crossway Montessori School (that wants the former Pleasant View Elementary School building for a charter school), MSI Soccer (that wants the 20 acre Brickyard Middle School site for a private soccer club) and the MCPS Educational Foundation (that just took in $11,000 from the United States Golf Association) have in common?

But you wouldn't know that by looking at the MCPS Educational Foundations website. The website doesn't disclose the complete list of foundation directors. The website only shows 11 Directors. 

For the complete list of the 16 Directors for the MCPS Foundation one has to go to IRS Form 990 shown below. On that list Jerry Pasternak's name is disclosed along with the names of directors Jerry Weast, Pat Baptiste, Barry Meyer, and Mitchell Paul.  According to the IRS Form 990 each Director spends an average of 2 hours per week on Foundation business. 

2 hours a week average? What's going on at the MCPS Foundation? 

MCPSEF 990 2010


  1. Mr. Pasternak is the go-to guy for many County positions. He was recently named to the Charter Commission.

    BTW, the MoCo Ethics Commission has fallen down on the job. The current list of lobbyists is not available either on the web or by snail mail. I was told that they don't have the time or manpower to generate the list. So much for even this small attempt at transparency.

  2. The 990 form asks for both current and former directors, trustees, etc., so it is unclear (based on that form) whether Pasternak is part of Foundation right now.

    Weast's name is, in fact, listed on the Foundation's website.

    Just sayin'

  3. @3:39 - You might be sayin' but you aren't reading. The 990 form has columns for each type of Director. Former Directors can be designated with a check in that column. The document is dated and the information is to be correct as of that date.

    Weast is not listed as a Director on the Foundation's website.

  4. Hi Anonymous@1:17pm, it was my understanding that the county was having a very difficult time getting people to be on the charter commission. Anyone can apply for these positions. They are always announced on the county website. Regarding the ethics commission, people can call the ethics commission to get the answers to any questions. P: 240-777-6670. It is odd though that they seem unable to post the information in a timely manner. My guess: no one in this county really cares much about ethics. so, there is no demand. too bad.

  5. And Jerry now has a new job....


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