
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Please table the Crossway Charter School vote until questions are answered

From: Paula Bienenfeld
Subject: Please table the Crossway Charter School vote until questions are answered.
To: "Board of Ed" <>, "Josh Starr" <>, "County Council" <>, "Francoise Carrier" <>
Date: Thursday, July 7, 2011, 8:43 AM

To Members of the Board of Education:
I am requesting that you table the vote for the Crossway Charter school because there is conflicting information on the proposed organization and operation of the school.
Specifically, there are questions as to the existence of a lease and the language in the lease between the County and Crossway.  It has not been possible to get a copy of the existing lease and neighbors and the community at large are concerned that it would be difficult for MCPS to reclaim the school and propety should it be required for a traditional neighborhood school.
Second, the Wheaton Sector Plan will be at the Planning Board soon.  The Plan requires a traditional neighborhood school.  Neighbors are concerned that, because the charter school is a public school, they will be told that Crossway is their neighborhood school.
Third, there is the conflict between the statement that the neighbors will be able to send their children to the school; the statement that the school will be for under-served populations; and the legal requirement for a countywide lottery.
Fourth, there is the statement that approval has been received from the County for modifications to the facility, and the conflicting statement from the County that no permission for such modifications has been given to the Crossway administration.
Please table the vote until these conflicts have been answered and the public has had the opportunity to read the lease.
Thank you.
Paula Bienenfeld

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