
Monday, August 22, 2011

Guest Post - Wheaton/Edison Modernization

Subject: response to request for comment on wheaton-edison modernization


This a short comment on behalf of parents from Edison High School of Technology in support of Option A in the modernization feasibility study as drafted by Grimm and Parker. The stated deadline for comments was "by Aug. 19." It is customary for comments to be permitted by the end of a business day, so I ask that these comments be added to the record.
In addition to supporting Option A, we secondarily we request that the cell tower be removed in response to health concerns and in support of an appeal by the Parents Coalition questioning both the safety of such towers and the legality of the BOE's lease decisions. In the feasibility drawings it is now placed next to classrooms. In a related matter, we urge careful and deliberate reconsideration of the artificial turf planned for Wheaton.

Thirdly, we request that Dr. Starr's recommendation be released as soon as possible, and, in the event he chooses to support the combined school option, that this item be removed from the BOE's Sept. 13 meeting and be placed for consideration on a future agenda.

This would give the community time to respond to such a decision, which would go against community consensus and the recommendation of the feasibility committee, which cited no reasons to support a one-school building over two. In fact, the report found cost savings and significantly less disruption in the two school model.

Finally, no modernization decision should be considered by the BOE until ALL the educational specifications have been finalized and shared with the schools and the community. We still have no information regarding Edison programs, class sizes and dimensions or student enrollment capacity.
Please be assured that the community strongly supports two separate schools and has spoken with a united voice on this issue for a year. Any dearth of comments now no doubt is due in part to summer vacations.

I want to personally thank you, Dennis, for your work with us thus far. Going forward, we pledge to work, as we have the past year, in cooperation with MCPS, Dr. Starr and the BOE, but do expect transparency, opportunities for engagement and meaningful input, in addition to a full, open and honest decision-making process and implementation of the project as it moves ahead.


Theresa Defino
Edison Parent

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