
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Middle School Fees

High school students and their families in Montgomery County Maryland aren't the only ones subject to educational extortion.  Middle schoolers and their families are also asked to pay for what should be a free public education.  Here is a list of fees charged.

Some fun facts about middle school fees.

1.  Not all schools charge fees.  Consider your child lucky if he or she attends Argyle, Clemente, Forest Oak, Frost, Key, Lee, Poole, Ridgeview, Sligo, or Tilden.  Your child is among the few who are truly getting a free public education.

2.  Even though course offerings are supposed to be consistent across the county, some schools charge fees for the same classes offered for free at other schools.

3. If your student is enrolled in a "high school course" in middle school, your student may be charged a fee - even if the course is a graduation requirement.  See Banneker, Montgomery Village, Pyle, Shady Grove and White Oak, offering Introduction to Engineering Design.

4.  Red/Green zone distinctions don't seem to apply.

5.  Are the lists accurate?   Readers will need to report back whether they were charged additional fees not on the list.

So - what is a parent to do, other than try to transfer their student into one of the free schools?

As with the high school fees, ask for a waiver.  Students are not supposed to be denied educational opportunities based on whether a fee is paid.

And, if you do choose to pay a fee, consider it a donation.

But most importantly, let Dr. Starr know if you are assessed a fee to attend a middle school class.  He has stated in interviews this week that MCPS only charges for high school courses. 

I guess Dr. Starr has a lot of learning to do.   Maybe he should stay home for a few days and catch up on his reading.


  1. Are there lists still sent home with elementary students about a page long of supplies that they need to bring the first day of school? I don't have a problem paying a $5 fee for a high school credit course in middle school that lasts all year. That doesn't seem outrageous to me.

  2. Mr. Grove,

    Did you want to let readers know that you work for MCPS? You are a teacher for MCPS and you are advocating that the law be broken?

    Maryland State law guarantees ALL children a free public education. That's the law.


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